Anchor To Composition
Brief Description
This generator is useful when used on the Position parameter of a Transform. It locks the element to a pre-defined position based on the element format and the Composition format. This element is responsive to format overrides made by the Viewer or the Render Manager, enabling fully responsive-design compositions.
Parameter / Script Name | Type | Default | Function |
Enabled / enabled | Boolean | On | |
Composition Horiz. Anchor / x_anchor | Choice | Center | - Left - Middle Left - Center - Middle Right - Right |
Composition Vert. Anchor / y_anchor | Choice | Center | - Bottom - Middle Bottom - Center - Middle Top - Top |
Image Horiz. Anchor / image_x_anchor | Choice | Center | - Left - Middle Left - Center - Middle Right - Right |
Image Vert. Anchor / image_y_anchor | Choice | Center | - Bottom - Middle Bottom - Center - Middle Top - Top |
Type / rectType | Choice | Bounding Box | Select which of the layer Format or Bounding Box is used. The Bounding Box is usually affected by every pixel modifiers, such as Blurs etc... whereas the format is not affected by modifiers (except Reformat) - Format: Use the source format - Bounding Box: Use the source bounding box |