Adding a composition


A Composition render lets you select/change which Composition to render through the drop-down menu on the left of the composition row.

It is important to understand how Autograph resolves the file path of the output file. The output file path is composed of multiple parameters split across the Composition, the Render instance and the render file:

  • The Composition render lets you specify the output directory as well as given a filename, which is the name of the Composition by default, but this may be overridden

  • The Render Instance allows you to add a prefix or suffix to the filename. For example, this can be used to include format specifications, such as a _60i suffix for 60 frames per second interlaced footage, or _4K to include a resolution suffix. It also offers the ability to add a Directory suffix to the Directory that is set on the Composition, for the same intended purpose as in the example above. Note that the Render instance also lets you override the name that was set on the Composition.

  • The Render File works in the same way as the Render Instance, but it allows you to override or add a prefix/suffix on top of what the Render Instance does.

Let's look at an example setup which makes concrete use of these properties:


In this example, the Final Composition has 5 Render Instances and the HD Render Instance has 2 Render Files. Let's take a look at how the file path of Final->HD->File 1 is constructed:


  • Final set its Directory property to ${ProjectDir}/../Encoded_Files which automatically expands to /Users/user/Downloads/Encoding_Project/../Encoded_Files

  • HD set its Directory Suffix to MOV and the filename suffix to __25__1080p to indicate that the Render Instance sets the Composition to have a 25 fps, 1920x1080 progressive format.

  • Finally, File 1 set its suffix to __4444XQ_Alpha which indicates that the Quicktime file was encoded with the Apple ProRes codec using the 4444 XQ profile.