This watch animation requires no keyframes or expressions! Each element is animated by a combination of generators and modifiers that allow the animation to move in time endlessly.
Do you review good old movies and want to customize each of the intros in just a few seconds? Let’s compositie both pre-calculated and real-time 3D rendering.
This flowing river of gold was made from a single Noise generator with an infinite size. A camera and Card 3D modifier let you glide over this endless landscape.
A single path was duplicated using the Shape Instancer and time offset to create these falling colors. You can tweak the original shape to generate infinite variations.
The instancer is used to spread cards along a Path. Each ribbon is created with a single layer and the number of cards is adjustable through a control panel.
This candy transition is based on a simple circular path that is then duplicated, temporally offset, and recolored using several Layer Image generators. It also use serveral Bevel/Emboss modifiers