Use Autograph for free
No credit card required. No strings attached.
Access all features
Enjoy all Autograph has to offer with no watermarks. Once you've reached the maximum number of Autograph Starter projects, watermarks will be applied to renders and will appear in the Viewport.
Commercial use
Autograph Starter can be used for commercial purposes. Use for free and sell your work to clients.
No time limit
Get immediate access to Autograph Starter and use it for as long as you want – there is no time limit or trial period!
Maximum 2 projects
Use Autograph Starter for a maximum of 2 projects. Beyond that, one of the two project must be overwritten to save a new project. Projects made by others can still be opened, but cannot be saved.
Upgrade when you want
Easily upgrade to Autograph Creator/Studio whenever you want to unlock unlimited projects and features for a professional experience.
Use it in DaVinci Resolve & OpenFX hosts
Use Autograph Starter within DaVinci Resolve through Autograph Live Link (currently in beta for Windows & macOS). Drag and drop any of your motion graphics animations directly into Resolve's timeline.
Autograph Starter FAQ
Have some questions about Autograph Starter? You're in the right place!
What is the difference between Autograph Starter and Autograph Creator?
Everything you can do in Autograph Creator you can do in Autograph Starter, with the following limitations: Autograph Starter requires an internet connection, whereas Autograph Creator lets you use the application offline for 45 days. You can only save up to 2 projects, enforced by server-side checks. Other projects, such as projects made by others, can be loaded, but are watermarked and cannot be saved. You are limited to 5 compositions per project. Compositions are limited to Full HD, a maximum of 30 FPS and a maximum duration of 30 seconds. EXR image sequence exports are watermarked. OpenFX plug-ins cannot be used in Autograph Starter.
Which FX/Modifiers are watermarked in Autograph Starter?
The following Modifiers are watermarked in Autograph Starter: Vector Blur, Film Grain, UV Map Generator, Shadertoy, and Defocus.
Can I continue using my Autograph Starter projects once I upgrade to Autograph Creator/Studio?
Once you activate your Autograph Creator license for the first time, Autograph will prompt you to convert your 2 Autograph Starter projects so that they can be used in Autograph Creator/Studio. This operation can only be done once, to prevent license violations.
I made projects in the free trial version of Autograph prior to the launch of Autograph Starter, can I still use them?
Older free trial projects made before the launch of Autograph Starter can be opened in Autograph Starter but cannot be saved. These projects will still contain watermarks, unlike free Autograph Starter projects. To convert and use your old free trial projects without watermarks, you must purchase an Autograph Creator/Studio license and contact us at contact@left-angle.com so we can manually authorize this process.
Are Autograph Starter projects saved in the cloud?
No, while we store unique identifiers for Autograph Starter projects to provide the free service, we do not upload, store, or share any of your projects or assets on any server.
Do I own my Autograph Starter projects?
Yes, Left Angle does not have rights over your Autograph Starter projects or assets. We may contact you about showcasing your work for marketing purposes, but we will always explicitly ask permission first.
Can I use Autograph Live Link for free?
Yes! You can use your 2 Autograph Starter projects within Resolve and other OpenFX-supported applications. Other projects can still be used, but will be watermarked.